Two Books?

Perfume and the AlphaBetas is a single novel published as a duet, two books.

Why the heck would we do that?


It's an unsexy answer. 

Amazon does not allow authors to split royalties when you publish on their platform in Kindle Unlimited. Authors handle this in a lot of different ways. We chose to publish Perfume as two books to avoid double taxation. Amy is from the United States. Lilith is from Canada. To make this one book on KU, we'd have to establish a publishing company and then make ourselves employees. Doing that, the company would have to pay taxes, and then the employees would have to pay taxes. 

We love Perfume, Apex and the story we created but frankly, establishing a company and hiring accountants got pretty messy. This was an easier solution.

What does this mean for you?

Not a heck of a lot.

If you are reading in KU, which the majority of omegaverse fans do, you'll get to the end of "Side A" and you'll find a link to take you right to "Side B". 

If you purchased the ebook, you'll get to the end of "Side A" and you'll find a link to take you right to "Side B". 


Perfume and the AlphaBetas - Side A, the first part of the novel, ends in a cliff hanger. A big one. So there's that...

What about a paperback or hardcover?

Ah, great question! Thank you for asking! 

So, like, yah, we're working on it.