Welcome to Port Haven

The city of reinvention... and revenge. 

Dominated by the entertainment districts, Port Haven boasts a wide variety of pleasures and dangers. 

The Paramour Complex, unofficially known as the Floating District, hosts The Paramour Club, several casinos, heat hotels and more. If you have a name, or are chasing fame, you'll find your home here.

Known as the Mired District, Pleasant Street is dominated by the Pax, a dance club, bar, and brothel. You don't tell your dads you're partying here.

Perfume & the AlphaBetas

Side A

After the murder of our lead guitarist in a terrorist attack, my band has battled hard to get back to the music. But we need a lead guitarist.

Enter Apex Duvall. A figure from my past and a guitar god in his own right. When we make music together, it's transcendent.

Packchella is on the horizon and we can't afford to screw this up. Everything hinges on this tour going perfectly.

We're not pack. We're not sweet. We don't care if you're alpha, beta, or omega. We only care that you worship the noise and know our names. - Perfume

Side B

I’ve only wanted two things my entire life - Perfume, my first and only love, and earning my way onto the charts.

I’ve been hiding my alpha status. I don’t want my success handed to me on a golden platter because of my aura and my knot. That’s not very punk rock.

We’ll be playing Packchella in a few days. With scent blockers and suppressants, I’ll make it through. I’ll finally have the fame, the life, and the woman of my dreams.

There's a new omega tagalong, a superfan, and his yummy omega aura is affecting every one. Even me. Especially me... - Apex

Local Attractions

Coming Soon

Shaken Knot Stirred

Moxie is a bad omega and her past catches up to her.

Knot Safe For Work

A cam girl tries to make it big in Port Haven.

Shop Girl

Retail sucks... Dating in the big city has its challenges